Monday, February 18, 2013

Summer 2013, where are you?

Chicago in the winter is just plain crappy. That's why I spend all winter planning a kick-ass summer. So far, this is what I have planned: 

This might be work related, but I look forward to it all year! I still can't believe I have 'concert planner' on my resume. #amazing

Fact: Boyz II Men was my very first cd. I'm going to 'The Package" with a few co-workers in July.  Unfortunately, they changed the date of the show so I had to turn down tickets to Pearl Jam at Wrigley. Sad day. 

I scored tickets to the Gentlemen of the Road Tour featuring MUMFORD AND SONS over Labor Day weekend. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to see them for a second year in a row.  Troy, Ohio - here I come! ROAD TRIP! 

In October ( I know, not summer - but whatev), the hubster and I are traveling to Charleston, South Carolina for a  wedding.  I've never been to SC, so it will be a great trip. 

Planning for Summer 2013 just started, but it's already shaping up to be pretty amazing. What do you have planned? 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pure Joy

Beautiful things are on the horizon and I can't wait to explore what life has to offer.
