Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The 100 Workout

Happy 2k12 ladies and gents!

This morning I tried out a new workout at the zoo, I mean gym. It's called the 100 Workout. I learned about this from the blog Swim, Bike, Running on Empty. The 100 workout program is designed as a reverse pyramid of repetitions.

The program has its own website - The 100 Workout. Here's what you do:

I thought the crunches and squats were going to be a total killer, but I actually completed the whole thing and felt great in the end. I did incorporate different kinds of crunches and leg lifts in order to infuse a bit of variety. For  me, the whole workout took about 30 minutes to complete.

If you're looking for something new and different (read: NOT the treadmill or elliptical), give the 100 workout a try!

What other fitness programs do you like?