Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeownership Projects

Forget spring cleaning; I'm doing an autumn cleaning! I think we can all agree that Labor Day officially marks the end of summer. I spent this entire week helping college freshmen settle into college life and the school year starts up on Wednesday. Once this happens, my free time goes out the window. So...

I've been accumulating a cleaning/fixing to-do list for our sweet little condo. It's a lovely 1-bedroom in the heart of LP (that's Lincoln Park for you non-city folks) and we've called it home since October 2009.

I'm tired of putting the to-do list off to the side, so here it is:

  1. WD-40 the bathroom drawer
  2. Clean the vent above our AC closet
  3. Finally fix the bathroom sink (it doesn't drain to my liking) 
  4. Make a cleaning calendar so I don't spend an entire weekend cleaning a 600 sf condo
  5. Fix the bottom flap/gutter/whatever its called of the freezer 
  6. Clean the windows on our fire escape door and put a privacy film up 
  7. Put an ad on Craigslist for someone to clean all of our blinds (I've done it twice and it's not worth my misery known as allergies) 
  8. Buy a fire-proof safe for our docs (I can't believe we don't have one yet) 
  9. Figure a way for hubster to store all of his officiating gear so it won't drive me crazy all season 
  10. Find the most amazing glass shower door cleaner and buy it in bulk (not really, but really) 
  11. Buy 2 more pretty plastic containers for my silverware (future post so you know what I'm talking about) 
  12. Take a gander for paint color (just an accent wall) 
Wow. Being a home owner is serious business. = ) 

How are you spending your holiday weekend? 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Gentlemen of the Road

On Friday, K and I packed up our bags and headed to Dixon, IL for the Gentlemen of the Road Tour.

A few highlights of the trip:

The town of Dixon greeted GOTR with open arms. 



We camped in a small closet, tent.

We enjoyed the sweet music of some pretty amazing bands. 

Gogol Bordello

Gogol Bordello

 AND, we snagged free wristbands to an after-show. I guess that's what happens when you are nice to the producer of the show. = )

 A few personal pics...

The people of Dixon were so friendly and the concert attendees were happy to see a small town get a boost of tourism for a weekend. Good feelings all around. 

What a great weekend!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer wrap-up {part 1}

It's here...the Gentlemen of the Road Tour.

Camping, Food, Beer, Friends, Music - does it get any better?

Hitting the open road and sharing a tent (with lows in the 40s) with this lady all weekend:

What are your weekend plans?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend was quite a whirlwind of being busy. I took off Friday so I could relax and prep some dishes for a baby shower I was co-hosting on Saturday morning. The shower was for my sister-in-law who is due to have a baby girl at the end of October.

Hand-made banner by moi

Yummy desserts { fruit pizzas, blueberry coffee cake and thumbprint cookies }

Drink bar { iced tea, make your own mimosa, and pretty girl punch }

On Sunday, the hubster and I went to see one of his favorite bands play at Ravinia. If you live near the North Shore, you need to check out this crown jewel. What's better than having a picnic with BYOB as you listen to your fav bands perform live? Though we bought tickets to see Train, I was pumped to find out that Andy Grammer AND Mat Kearney were the openers. 3 amazing bands for only $33 per ticket? Yes, please.

Finding ways to pass the time waiting for the bands...Uno, anyone? 

My love and I

How did you spend your weekend?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Styles I'm Loving

With the start of a new school year comes a breath of fresh air in terms of wardrobe. I can't even put into words how much I love autumn (trust me, a post is coming). Thanks to Pinterest, I've been able to curate an ideal work wardrobe that a 27 year old woman should own. I can't believe I still wear some clothes from college. What a crime. 

I present, the lovelies...

What is your go-to work style for fall/winter? 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reunited and it feels so good!

I think it happens to every blogger. There comes a time when the ideas stop flowing, you get tired of writing and you lose motivation. This happened to me. Twice. I'm so done with the blogger block.

Over the past few months, I discovered some new and exciting blogs. They're the kind of blogs that I sink into my office chair with a cup of coffee in hand,  excited to see what's in store. It's a new kind of love. 

Because I'm not one to torture, here is a list of the oh-so-lovely blogs I speak of: 

The EveryGirl - A total must read. Bonus points for being a Chicago startup. Also, I get giddy when I know we frequent the same places. Julius Meinl, anyone? 

It's tough to say I love The EveryGirl, without saying I absolutely adore the co-founder's blogs, Breakfast at Toast and Live Creating Yourself. The three blogs are seriously a trifecta of fabulous. 

Kendi Everyday - One word: fashion. She's inspired me to rethink how I curate my wardrobe. Yes, curate. Fancy word (see: talk so pretty). I even bought a tunic from her Texas boutique, Bloom

Things That Sparkle - A perfect blend of design and personal blogging at its finest. Adore. 

The Small Things Blog - Come on. Everyone (and I do mean everyone) has seen her 'bouncy curled under bob. Look no further for hair tutorials! 

These are just a few of my favorite blogs. I'm back and it feels so, so good.