Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeownership Projects

Forget spring cleaning; I'm doing an autumn cleaning! I think we can all agree that Labor Day officially marks the end of summer. I spent this entire week helping college freshmen settle into college life and the school year starts up on Wednesday. Once this happens, my free time goes out the window. So...

I've been accumulating a cleaning/fixing to-do list for our sweet little condo. It's a lovely 1-bedroom in the heart of LP (that's Lincoln Park for you non-city folks) and we've called it home since October 2009.

I'm tired of putting the to-do list off to the side, so here it is:

  1. WD-40 the bathroom drawer
  2. Clean the vent above our AC closet
  3. Finally fix the bathroom sink (it doesn't drain to my liking) 
  4. Make a cleaning calendar so I don't spend an entire weekend cleaning a 600 sf condo
  5. Fix the bottom flap/gutter/whatever its called of the freezer 
  6. Clean the windows on our fire escape door and put a privacy film up 
  7. Put an ad on Craigslist for someone to clean all of our blinds (I've done it twice and it's not worth my misery known as allergies) 
  8. Buy a fire-proof safe for our docs (I can't believe we don't have one yet) 
  9. Figure a way for hubster to store all of his officiating gear so it won't drive me crazy all season 
  10. Find the most amazing glass shower door cleaner and buy it in bulk (not really, but really) 
  11. Buy 2 more pretty plastic containers for my silverware (future post so you know what I'm talking about) 
  12. Take a gander for paint color (just an accent wall) 
Wow. Being a home owner is serious business. = ) 

How are you spending your holiday weekend?